Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Unit 4 Part 1 Current Events Post - Democrats in the House Debate Unemployment Benefits

Within the past few days, Democratic members of the House of Representatives have brought more attention to unemployment benefits.  The original extension of these benefits expired about 3 months ago, and Democrats are arguing that we need to bring them back.  Nancy Pelosi argued her position on the issue, along with some other Democratic representatives, and they plan to file a discharge petition in the House in the hopes that this issue will be moved to a vote.  The petition would need an absolute majority, requiring at least 19 members of the Republican party to sign in favor of increased unemployment benefits.

It will be difficult for the minority party to gain enough support from the majority party in the House to move forward with their debate in favor of unemployment benefits.  Minority leader Nancy Pelosi is urging Speaker of the House John Boehner to get the Republican party to provide enough petition signatures to move this issue to a vote within the House.  The Democrats are mainly making arguments in this situation that will accuse the majority party of remaining inactive in an effort to increase the amount of marginal seats in the important upcoming midterm election.  Democrats have used visuals in debate, whether direct or indirect, that have put extra pressure on the Republicans, forcing them to acknowledge the minority as a more prominent contender.  The issue of unemployment benefits has often been seen as one that displays party polarization, but this discharge petition has the capacity to be signed enough to send it through to a House vote.

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