Friday, February 28, 2014

Unit 3 Current Events Post - Wolf vs. Corbett on the Path to Reelection

A Democratic businessman from York County named Tom Wolf was recently noted to be near the front of the Pennsylvania governor election race.  It is believed that Wolf will be the frontrunner in the race against current governor Tom Corbett, a Republican.  In a recent Franklin & Marshall College poll, Tom Wolf drew 36 percent support.  He also received 44 percent support from his own party, with only 3 percent expressing an unfavorable opinion of him.

Tom Wolf has been recently very intelligent about his race toward the governor's mansion, beginning his political campaign in the form of advertising earlier than his opponents.  I personally have seen a few of these ads, and they have not only made people aware of the reelection on the horizon, but have pointed out his strengths.  With the slogan "A Different Kind of Leader," he successfully draws his audience in by saying that he is ready for positive change in PA.  These ads are persuasive and capture the attention of the viewer, making them a great move on Wolf's part in order to become the frontrunner in the reelection.  Wolf's campaigning proves that he is taking advantage of the two-party system; his definite opponent Corbett is a Republican, and if people are unhappy with what he has done while in office, they will automatically be drawn to the fact that Wolf is a Democrat, which generally means that he will make some decisions that oppose Corbett's.  Tom Wolf realizes that it can be difficult to run against the incumbent candidate, and in turn he has begun to make some very smart moves in his campaign.

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